Welcome to the SCI Camp Hexhof 2001 website.

If you were a participant, I hope that these pages will bring back some good memories of our time and work there.

If you just want to see what we did, step closer and browse through the pages.

Just a few boring technical details: the pages are best viewed in a 800 x 600 pixels display.

The fonts I used were "Beanie" and "Benguiat Frisky ATT". If you didn't see any font changes in the inverted commas of the previous sentence, you need to get those two fonts to view the pages correctly.

The time of the video-downloads depends on the connection you have. However, in order not to make the download not too long, I tried to ensure that the files are not bigger than 5 MB - unfortunately this affected the quality of the sound slightly.

Anyway, enough said- click on one of the pictures to navigate through the site:  


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